A-Z Services
CABIRS (Child and Adolescent Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service)
The Child and Adolescent Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service (CABIRS) provides education, advice, assessment and therapeutic intervention if required for children and young people who have experienced concussion, mild or moderate traumatic brain injury.
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a free community-based mental health service provided through the WCHN, with mental health services for infants, children, adolescents and perinatal women. Services are provided across South Australia.
Campbell Ward
Children and adolescents who come to the WCH for surgical procedures requiring an overnight stay will normally come to Campbell Ward following theatre.
Car Parking
The WCH has two public car parks. There is also on-street parking spaces in the vicinity of the hospital, and emergency drop-off and pick-up zones on the WCH campus. Disability car parking spaces are available in the car parks and adjacent streets.
Cardiac Surgery (Heart Surgery)
The WCH provides a heart (cardiac) surgical service for some patients having procedures not requiring cardiac bypass. Referrals for cardiac review and treatment are managed by our Cardiology Department medical and nursing staff.
Cardiology (Heart Conditions)
The Department of Paediatric Cardiology provides cardiology services for children with heart disease in South Australia, the Northern Territory and the far western regions of Victoria and NSW.
Cassia Ward
Cassia Ward is a medical sub-specialty ward specialising in the care of children 12 months – 12 years with acute and chronic illnesses, primarily under the following medical clinics: Metabolic; Cardiology; Pulmonary; Renal; Gastroenterology; Endocrine
Casual Pool – Nursing and Midwifery
WCHN employs casual Enrolled Nurses, Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives to relieve in the clinical areas of the Women's and Children's Hospital, North Adelaide and at Helen Mayo House, Glenside campus.
Centre for Education and Training
The Centre for Education is an inter-professional service in the WCHN that provides learning and professional development opportunities to all WCHN staff through formal learning, coaching/mentoring support and access to facilities and resources.
Centre for Robotics and Innovation
Robotic technology is being used to improve function for children with movement impairment thanks to the Centre for Robotics and Innovation.
Cerebral Palsy Register
The South Australian Cerebral Palsy Register (SACPR) is a population-based collection of information on children with cerebral palsy born in South Australia.
Chaplains (Spiritual Care, Chaplains and Sacred Space)
The Spiritual Care Team, including Chaplains and volunteers, who have completed accredited training, provide pastoral and spiritual care for patients, families and staff.
Child Development Unit
The WCH Child Development Unit (CDU) is a developmental assessment service for children with complex developmental concerns in three or more areas.
Child Protection Services
Child Protection Services (CPS) provide specialist assessment and treatment services to children from birth to 18 years and their families where there is a suspicion of child abuse, psychological maltreatment and/or neglect.
Child and Adolescent Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service
The Child and Adolescent Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service (CABIRS) provides education, advice, assessment and therapeutic intervention if required for children and young people who have experienced concussion, mild or moderate traumatic brain injury.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a free community-based mental health service provided through the WCHN, with mental health services for infants, children, adolescents and perinatal women. Services are provided across South Australia.
Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service
Our free Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service connects parents with a virtual team of highly skilled emergency doctors and nurses who can assess and provide medical advice for your children, aged between 6 months and up to 18 years.
Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service – For GPs
The Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service is available to support GPs in providing and coordinating care for patients, families and carers.
Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service – Frequently Asked Questions
Here we answer possible questions you may have about the Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service.
Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service – Promotional Resources
Resources to promote the Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service
Children's Anaesthesia
The Department of Paediatric Anaesthesia at the WCH provides elective and emergency anaesthesia for over 12,000 procedures per year, a 24 hour trauma service and an acute pain management service.
Children's Emergency/Yurlu-puyu-puyurri Ngartu-itya
The Children's Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be contacted on (08) 8161 7044.
Children's Entertainment Program
The Women's and Children's Hospital has a fun and varied Children's Entertainment Program for patients. Entertainers and visitors can have a positive affect on patients and their families and are greatly appreciated.
Children's Major Trauma Service
The WCH is the designated Children's Major Trauma Service for South Australia as well as for the NT, western Victoria and south-west NSW, and provides care for children with major trauma aged under 16 years.
Children's Outpatients
Paediatric Outpatients is an area of the hospital set aside to provide a pleasant safe and welcoming environment for children and their families.
Children's Surgery (Paediatric Surgery)
The WCH Department of Paediatric Surgery is the main referral centre for complex paediatric surgical conditions and provides a service in South Australia which covers the Northern Territory and some regional centres in Victoria and New South Wales.
Children's Trauma Service (Children's Major Trauma Service)
The WCH is the designated Children's Major Trauma Service for South Australia as well as for the NT, western Victoria and south-west NSW, and provides care for children with major trauma aged under 16 years.
Choices for Antenatal Care
During your pregnancy you have a number of options regarding the type of pregnancy care you receive.
Cleft and Craniofacial Research
Cleft and Craniofacial SA is an internationally recognised leader in both clinical and scientific research.
Cleft and Craniofacial SA
Cleft and Craniofacial SA (C&CSA) is a multi-disciplinary team including craniofacial surgeons, anaesthetists, speech pathologists and nurse consultants who specialise in providing excellence in care for children with complex craniofacial conditions.
Clown Doctors
Imagine being a sick kid in hospital, in need of a friend to play, laugh and smile with – that’s the magic of Clown Doctors!
Comfy Kids Team
The Comfy Kids Team is staffed by a Nurse Consultant (specialist nurse) on weekdays, a senior pharmacist in pain management twice a week, and anaesthesia staff from the Department of Children's Anaesthesia.
Coming to Hospital – For Women
If you are expecting a baby, this page describes when you might need to contact the hospital, and what you will need to bring with you.
Computerised Tomography
Computerised Axial Tomography (CT or CAT) is a diagnostic tool that produces detailed cross-sectional pictures of the body. The body is scanned by an x-ray tube and a computer transforms the data to produce high resolution pictures of the body.
Concerns About Your Care
Do you feel you are not being heard? Are you worried about a recent change in your condition or that of your loved one?
Connecting with a GP (Family Doctor)
A GP (General Practitioner, or family doctor) is a doctor who specialises in family medicine: they help babies, children, teenagers and adults of all ages.
Consumer Complaints and Compliments
We welcome both compliments about our service, and complaints when we have not delivered the sort of service you expect.
Consumer Engagement
Consumer engagement is about health services working with consumers and carers as equal partners in their own care. This delivers better health outcomes, improves safety and quality and fosters person and family centred care.
Consumer Involvement Opportunities
At WCHN, consumer advocates sit on a wide range of committees and working groups, assist with staff recruitment and participate in quality improvement activities. There are also opportunities to provide feedback via online forums and surveys.
Critical Care Medicine
The Department of Critical Care Medicine is a self-contained facility which provides complex multi-system life support for infants, children, and adolescents, as well as for obstetric women.
Cystic Fibrosis Clinic (The Breathing Space)
The Breathing Space is the only respiratory health and disease referral centre for children (aged 0-18 years) in SA and the NT. We specialise in assessing and treating all types of respiratory disease, and provide specialised lung function testing.