Contact the Women's and Children's Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia.
Phone Enquiries
(08) 8161 7000
To call the WCH from outside Australia, please use the prefix (61 8) instead of the interstate prefix (08).
Remember, in an emergency, always call 000.
Patient Enquiries
For telephone enquiries regarding inpatients at WCH please call the Switchboard (08) 8161 7000.
There are patient enquiry desks near the Kermode Street entrance (children) and just inside the Queen Victoria Building (maternity).
Consumer Complaints and Compliments
We value your feedback. Please contact the Consumer Feedback Coordinator via our Consumer Complaints and Compliments page.
Media and Communications
For inquiries about this website, social media, branding or marketing, please contact the Media and Communications Unit.
Website feedback
Your feedback will help us continue to improve our website.
Postal Address
Women's and Children's Hospital
72 King William Road
South Australia 5006