7 Tips To Keep Your Baby Cool This Summer
WCH News
Posted 8 Dec 2022
Everyone is at risk of heat-related illness during hot weather, but some groups of people – such as babies and young children, pregnant women, the elderly and people who have chronic health conditions – are more at risk than others.
Babies can't tell us if they are hot and thirsty, so it’s important to keep them comfortable and hydrated when the temperatures start to soar.
Here are 7 tips to help keep your baby healthy and safe this summer:
- Dress light – put your baby in lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. Layering can be great for quick and easy adjustments to temperature.
- Provide plenty to drink – Give baby plenty to drink in hot weather. If your baby is well hydrated, there should be 6-8 wet, pale nappies per day.
- Stay in the shade – Protect your baby’s skin by keeping them out of the direct sun. Babies over 6 months old can wear baby sunscreen.
- Allow airflow through prams – When setting up the pram’s shade cover, be sure to allow plenty of air to circulate around your baby
- Cool baths – Give your baby a cool (not cold!) bath, especially before bedtime. Never leave your baby unattended in the bath or near water.
- Use a fan – Use a fan to circulate cool air around the room
- Check on your baby often – Signs of heatstroke can be excessive sleepiness, rapid breathing and heart rate, pale clammy skin, dry mouth and eyes, dark and infrequent urine. If you are worried, seek medical advice as soon as possible.
Here are some more tips which are relevant to grown-ups too:
- Drink plenty of water
- Avoid going out in the hottest part of the day
- Keep curtains, blinds and windows closed during the day to keep your home cool
- Cool off with a shower or bath
- Look out for family, friends and the elderly
- Check the weather forecast so you know when hot weather is coming
- If you go outside during the day, wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved and light-coloured clothing, a hat, sunglasses and SPF30+ or higher sunscreen.
For more tips on staying healthy in the heat, visit sahealth.sa.gov.au/healthyintheheat.
For more information and support about your baby:
- Make an appointment with CaFHS (Child and Family Health Services) by calling 1300 733 606
- Call the Parent Helpline on 1300 364 100
- Visit www.cafhs.sa.gov.au