Adolescent Transition Resources
As a young adult beginning the transition process from paediatric to adult care, there are many questions you may have along the way. The following links will provide useful information that will help you to become more independent in your healthcare.
On this page:
As a young adult beginning the transition process from paediatric to adult care, there are many questions you may have along the way. The following links will provide useful information that will help you to become more independent in your healthcare. If there are any topics not covered here that you want to know about, please talk to someone from your health care team.
Disability and Youth Support
If you want to find out more about Centrelink payments, disability support pensions, Youth Allowance and more. You may also want to visit your nearest Centrelink office for further information.
Applying for your own Medicare Card
At the age of 15 you can apply for your own Medicare card. There is no cost to apply and it may be handy if you need to start attending appointments without your parents.
Concession cards for public transport
Mental health
The following websites have useful advice and information on mental health, including information about depression and anxiety.
Sexual health
The following websites provide valuable information about sexual health and relationships.
Alcohol and drugs
It is important to understand how drugs and alcohol affects your body, including side effects and consequences of their use.
Health insurance
If your parents have private health insurance most young adults are covered under their parent's health insurance until the age of 24 years (but every insurance policy is slightly different). Check with your parents regarding this. If you are considering getting your own health insurance as a young adult it is important to do some research to ensure you get the best cover to suit you.
Obtaining a driver's license
You may want to talk to your medical team about how your health affects you when obtaining a driver's license. This website tells you how to get started.