Grief Resources
When grief becomes a concern, or someone is having difficulty with grief, we recommend that you seek advice from a health professional such as your General Practitioner (GP).
When grief becomes a concern, or someone is having difficulty with grief, we recommend that you seek advice from a health professional such as your General Practitioner (GP). Your GP can organise a Mental Health Care Plan to help you access Medicare-rebated counselling support in your local community.
South Australian websites
- Anglicare SA – Loss and Grief Camps
Gives information about loss and grief camps for children aged 5-12 and 13-17 years. - Childhood Cancer Association Inc.
Information about childhood grief and loss and bereavement support services. - Compassionate Friends, SA
The Compassionate Friends, SA (TCF SA) is a support group for parents who have experienced the death of a child. Monthly support groups and other social activities are run to help parents deal with the loss of their child and support them to try to find meaning in their life again and resolve their grief in a positive way. - GriefLink
Comprehensive information that includes grief reactions in different cultures. - Palliative Care South Australia
The website for the palliative care peak body and advocate for all South Australians. - Red Nose in SA Community Facebook Group
National (+/- SA options) and interstate websites
- 'Bereavement' (Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne)
A comprehensive site for professionals. - Pregnancy Loss Australia (formerly known as Teddy Love Club)
- Leukaemia Foundation
We suggest searching the site for Living with Grief and Bereavement. - Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement
We suggest looking at the new resource: ‘After the death of a child: a resource for parents of children in Palliative care’ - National Centre for Childhood Grief
Well written and comprehensive site for parents and children. - NALAG Centre for Loss and Grief
A NSW-based grief and loss support website. - A Family Companion (Palliative Care Australia web site)
- All Resources – for Carers and Health Professionals
(Palliative Care Australia website)
- All Resources – for Carers and Health Professionals
- Red Nose Grief and Loss – 'Guiding Light'
formerly SIDS and Kids - Multicultural Health
International websites
- Together for Short Lives (UK)
- Skylight (New Zealand)
- Winston's Wish (UK)
- The Dougy Center – The National Center for Grieving Children and Families (USA)
Grief resources page. - Children's Hospice International (USA)
Multiple Pregnancy Specific
- How to find your way through grief and loss to healing and peace (Australian Multiple Birth Association Webinar)
- The Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation
- Grief Australia
- Miracle Babies Foundation
- Pillars of Strength