ENT Nurse Practitioner
The ENT Nurse Practitioner works in close consultation with surgeons, medical practitioners, and other health professionals to enhance the care provided to children and their families.
On this page:
The ENT Nurse Practitioner works in close consultation with surgeons, medical practitioners, and other health professionals to enhance the care provided to children and their family through:
- coordination of care across the continuum including inpatient management, discharge planning and ENT Nurse Practitioner outpatient clinics
- case management for children who have complex conditions that require long term support such as children who have a tracheostomy
- referral for home equipment and consumables related to airway management
- written information and standards of care on paediatric ENT and tracheostomy care for families.
The ENT Nurse Practitioner is a clinical resource for many nursing and affiliated health professionals within South Australia, and has strong links with ENT nurses around Australia and overseas.
How to access this service
Referral requirements
Any child/family can contact the ENT NP service for advice about tracheostomy care and ear health. Referral to the ENT Nurse Practitioner outpatient clinic is accepted internally and via the ENT department.
For emergency assistance, you should bring your child to the nearest Emergency Department for assessment.
Service Hours are Monday – Friday, 8.00am – 4.30pm.
Emergency care at the WCH is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Office: 3rd Floor, Good Friday Building (Day of Surgery Area)
- Consulting: Monday afternoon in Area 3 Paediatric Outpatient Department
Silvia O'Connor
RN, BN, MSocSc (Couns), MNurs (NursPrac)