Emergency Information for Women
If you are experiencing problems during pregnancy, labour or shortly after childbirth, or other gynaecological problems, the Women's Assessment Service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No appointment is necessary.
The Department is located on the Ground Floor of the Hospital, with access from Kermode Street, Sir Edwin Smith Avenue and Brougham Place.
For virtual support, visit:
The Kaurna name for the Women's Assessment Service is Ngangkiku ngunti-api kuu, which means "A place that responds to the health needs of women during pregnancy".
The Women's Assessment Service provides expert care for:
- women in labour
- women who may be experiencing problems during pregnancy
- women experiencing postnatal problems (up to six weeks after the birth of their baby)
- women experiencing reproductive and gynaecological problems
- women experiencing symptoms of a miscarriage through the Early Pregnancy Assessment Service
NOTE: This service is for women experiencing problems during pregnancy, labour, or shortly after childbirth. Women with other types of medical emergency should go to a general hospital emergency department.
How we can help
If you are pregnant
Please contact the Women's Assessment Service if you experience:
- pain or vaginal bleeding
- unusual or offensive vaginal loss
- headache or visual disturbances
- a change in your baby's regular pattern of movements
- nausea and vomiting which cannot be managed by a GP.
Please remember to bring your hand-held record with you.
Up to six weeks after your baby is born
Most of the common difficulties experienced by women after the birth of their baby can be dealt with by your GP or Home Visiting Midwife. However some women experience difficulties which require extra help. These may include mastitis, infection, heavy bleeding or pain unmanaged with simple pain relief. If you have any concerns please phone the Women's Assessment Service.
Women’s Day Unit
Women’s Assessment Service also incorporates the Women’s Day Unit which runs from 9am-4pm Monday-Friday. Women who attend this service require a longer day stay for procedures and monitoring over an extended period of time. Conditions frequently monitored in the unit may include women with pre-eclampsia, ruptured membranes, fetal growth restriction or other higher risk pregnancies.
Other women's health problems
Please contact the Women's Assessment Service if you are not pregnant and you are experiencing symptoms such as abnormal vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain.
When you arrive in the Women's Assessment Service
You will meet the triage midwife when you arrive. At times it may seem that women are being seen out of turn, however women are prioritised on the basis of need, rather than order of arrival. If you have concerns or your condition worsens while you are waiting, please let the staff know.
Accessing the Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
No appointment is necessary.
On the ground Floor of the Hospital, with access from Kermode Street, Sir Edwin Smith Avenue and Brougham Place.
Car Parking
Very limited space is available for emergency drop off at the end of the Brougham Place ramp outside the Emergency Department. This is a drop off area only and has a strict 15 minute parking limit. Please arrange to move your car as soon as possible. Car parking is available near the hospital.
Mailing Address
Women's Assessment Service
Women's and Children's Hospital
72 King William Road
North Adelaide
South Australia 5006
Midwifery Unit Manager
Karen Andrews
(08) 8161 7530