Pain Relief Options – Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy involves inhaling the smell from a highly concentrated plant oil. Using this method can help with relaxation, reducing anxiety and lowering pain.
Aromatherapy involves inhaling the smell from a highly concentrated plant oil. For more information about the use of aromatherapy during labour please watch this video.
Your Story
Would you like to share your experiences of using aromatherapy during labour? If you have recently had your baby at the Women's and Children's or been a support person for someone who did and would like to share your story, please get in touch via email. Your details will remain anonymous.
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Further Information
Please note: The Women's and Children's Hospital does not use pethidine or diamorphine. A similar medicine, fentanyl, is given into a small cannula under the skin. The amount of pain relief achieved and the side effects are very similar to those described for pethidine and diamorphine.