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The Women's and Children's Hospital is located on the traditional lands for the Kaurna people, and we respect their spiritual relationship with their Country. We also acknowledge that the Kaurna people are the custodians of the Adelaide region, and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.

Early Pregnancy Unit

The Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) is a dedicated service for women between 6 and 14 weeks pregnant who are experiencing some bleeding and have minimal pain.

The Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) is a dedicated service for women between 6 and 14 weeks pregnant who are experiencing some bleeding and have minimal pain.

This can be an anxious time especially if you have had a miscarriage in the past. That is why at the Women's and Children's hospital, the EPU midwives have a special interest and understanding of the emotional and clinical processes associated with early pregnancy problems. In most cases reassurance can be given by performing an ultrasound at your appointment. However, sometimes it is too early to see the pregnancy and further tests may be recommended. This may include a blood test and/or a formal ultrasound by one of our specialised sonographers.

How to access this service

We are located within the Women's Assessment Service (WAS) on the ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building - Zone F.

You do not need a referral for this service, but you are encouraged to make an appointment by telephoning 8161 7530 anytime.

If you have problems outside of these times or have other pregnancy concerns, please contact the Women's Assessment Service on the same number.


Mondays to Fridays, 8.00am - 1.30pm


Ground Floor, Women's Assessment Service - Queen Victoria Building, Zone F



(08) 8161 7530

Mailing Address

Women's Assessment Service
Women's and Children's Hospital
72 King William Road
North Adelaide SA 5006