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The Women's and Children's Hospital is located on the traditional lands for the Kaurna people, and we respect their spiritual relationship with their Country. We also acknowledge that the Kaurna people are the custodians of the Adelaide region, and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.

Medical Training Opportunities

WCH Medical Education 1

The Women’s and Children's Hospital is recognised for excellence in medical training.

Considerable support and supervision is given to trainee doctors. For example:

  • In-house registrar and consultant support is available for trainee medical officers (TMOs)
  • Trainee medical officers are trained before they are rostered on at night
  • Trainee medical officers are not rostered on at night alone
  • All rostering and pay is in accordance with the South Australian Medical Officers Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.

In addition, the Health Service offers:

  • Orientation programs for both the hospital and departments
  • Access to regular training and education
  • Examination leave
  • Professional development leave
  • Reimbursement of professional development expenses, up to $8,000 for TMOs.
  • Close supervision and mentoring
  • Salary sacrifice
  • Childcare facilities nearby
  • Staff counselling
  • A library on-site.

Medical training available


A state-wide training program in paediatrics is co-ordinated by the WCH and accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Intake is usually 14 trainees per year. Basic training runs for three years and rotations occur through general paediatrics, neonatology, paediatric emergency and medical sub-specialties.

For third and fourth years, registrar rotations are in general paediatrics, paediatric emergency, paediatric subspecialties, child psychiatry and community paediatrics. There is supervised clinical training and regular teaching sessions for basic trainees.

Advanced training lasts three years with positions for general paediatrics consisting of community and regional paediatric rotations, paediatric acute care rotations (neonatal intensive care and emergency) and general paediatric rotations.

Advanced training in subspecialty areas can commence in SA, however would usually require some interstate or overseas experience to complete. Fellowships are available in both clinical and research areas.

Training rotations are available at the WCH, Flinders Medical Centre, Lyell McEwin Health Service, Port Augusta Hospital and Alice Springs Hospital. In addition, there are community paediatric rotations.


Dr David Baulderstone, Director of Physician Training


(08) 8161 6484



In addition to being the largest obstetric hospital in South Australia, the WCH provides a maternal fetal medicine service for South Australia and the Northern Territory and some parts of Victoria and New South Wales.

An extensive orientation program is run at the beginning of each year which covers areas such as emergency, newborn resuscitation and interpretation of fetal heart rate traces.

WCHN Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department currently employs, 12 RMOs and 16 Registrars.

The RMO’s, some of whom are in GP training, and others who are looking to pursue specialist training participate in antenatal clinics amongst other duties.

In addition, the Registrars encompass Advanced Trainees, Core Registrars and Service Registrars. Some are junior registrars aiming to enter the Integrated Training Program the following year, whilst others are more senior and trained overseas and wish to get credentials acknowledged by the College in order to sit the MRANZCOG exam.

The special areas of expertise include maternal fetal medicine with invasive procedures performed such as amniocentesis, CVS, fetal blood sampling and intra-uterine transfusion. There is a special interest in ultrasound scanning.

Registrars rotate through antenatal and postnatal wards and clinics, delivery suite and women’s assessment service (emergency).


Dr. Dee McCormack, Senior Obstetric Consultant



Registrars/senior registrars are exposed to a substantial number of major, intermediate and minor gynaecological procedures, with training in the essentials of gynaecological surgery (4-5 operating sessions per week).

Experience can be gained in a range of advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures, pelvic reconstructive work, minimal access urological procedures and vaginal surgery.

Registrars have access to a one-stop menstrual disturbances clinic where considerable experience in outpatient hysteroscopy can also be gained. Colposcopy accreditation is available.

The Women’s Assessment Service deals with a significant number of gynaecological emergencies with at least 8-10 ectopic pregnancies per month. The early pregnancy assessment unit offers expectant, medical and surgical treatment for women with non-viable pregnancies.


Dr Prabhath Wagaarachchi, Director of Gynaecology


(08) 8161 7635


Surgical Services

The Women’s and Children’s Hospital has a range of Paediatric Surgery training opportunities (prevocational and vocational) including rotations through;

  • General Surgery
  • Urology
  • Burns
  • Neurosurgery
  • Craniofacial Surgery
  • ENT Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Orthopaedics

Vocational allocations are made by each training speciality college, and pre-vocational positions are sourced through the annual recruitment process.


Dr Chris Kirby, Medical Unit Head, General Surgery


(08) 8161 7324


Pre-Vocational Training
  • A number of Resident Medical Officer (Postgraduate Year 2+) positions are available:
    • Obstetrics and Gynaecology: 12 month RMO and 12 month Service registrar positions
    • WCH Prevocational Resident Program: 6 Months Paediatrics/ 6 Months Obstetrics and Gynaecology. These positions are designed for TMOs considering a career in general practice, paediatrics or obstetrics and gynaecology. Available rotations include Paediatric General Medicine, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Neuro/Craniofacial Surgery, ENT Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Paediatric Emergency Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
  • Prevocational TMOs have a wide range of education and training opportunities across the hospital and will participate in the educational programs within the departments in which they are working.
  • Trainees in Obstetrics may be eligible to enrol for the Certificate of Women's Health or the Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (DRANZCOG). As there is a limited capacity to provide the required level of training and supervision, TMOs will need approval to commence these qualifications from the Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Medical Education Unit. Once TMOs have secured a position at WCH there will be a local application process.
  • Two Medical Interns (Postgraduate Year 1) rotate from the Central Adelaide Local Health Network for 10 week terms in either either Paediatric Emergency Medicine or Paediatric General Medicine.


Natalie Michael, Medical Education Officer

Dr Scott Sypek, Director of Clinical Training